∴ Vallée de Montréal
Sol 3° Pisces : Luna 11° Leo : dies Mercurii : Anno Vix
22 février 2024, e.v.
Fais ce que tu voudras sera toute la loi.
Depuis l'équinoxe d'automne 2023, nous n'avons plus de lieu régulier pour notre réunion mensuelle et nos autres activités.
Depuis la fermeture de notre salle, nous prenons le temps de réévaluer la situation avec notre corps locale. Nous avons eu quelques réunions des dirigeants en personne, quelques réunions Zoom, dont certaines étaient ouvertes au public. Nous recherchons une nouvelle approche pour faire les choses à l’avenir. Nous recherchons activement un lieu de rencontre et un nouveau lieu à louer pour le printemps.
Une fois que nous aurons trouvé un nouveau lieu, nous aimerions commencer les pratiques et célébrations de la Messe Gnostique ainsi que recommencer à faire les initiations M.M.M.. Certains de nos membres plus âgés aideront à planifier, organiser et créer des événements spéciaux et des ateliers.
Nous nous réunirons pour le Rituel Suprême en mars autour de l'équinoxe du printemps pour une célébration privée. Les 8, 9 et 10 avril, nous aurons des lectures en ligne du Liber AL vel Legis pour célébrer les Journées de la Loi. Ces lectures seront en français.
Pour être invité à nos événements en ligne dans un avenir prévisible, veuillez écrire à notre secrétaire à info@phoenixlodge-oto.org.
L'amour est la loi, l'amour sous la volonté.
Frater Scarabeus
∴ Valley of Montréal
Sol 3° Pisces : Luna 11° Leo : dies Mercurii : Anno Vix
22 February 2024, e.v.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
As of the Fall Equinox of 2023 we no longer have a regular venue for our monthly meeting and other activities.
Since the closure of our venue, we’ve been taking the time to reassess the situation with our local body. We have had a couple officers meetings in person, a few Zoom meetings, some of were open to the public. We are looking for a new approach of doing things going forward. We are actively looking for a meeting place and a new venue to rent for the spring.
Once we find a new venue we would like to start Gnostic mass practices and celebrations as well as recommence doing the M.M.M. initiations. Some of our older members will help plan, organize and create special events and workshops.
We will gather for the Supreme Ritual in March around the Spring Equinox for a private celebration. On April on the 8th, 9th and 10th we will have online readings of Liber AL vel Legis to celebrate the Days of the Law. These readings will be in French.
To be invited to our online events in the foreseeable future please write to our secretary at info@phoenixlodge-oto.org.
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Scarabaeus
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∴ Valley of Montréal
Sol 14° Virgo : Luna 29° Capricornus : dies Martis : Anno Vviii
6 September 2022, e.v.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Phoenix Oasis OTO would like to invite you to a meet and greet on Saturday September 17th at 5:00 pm.
As the pandemic restrictions have loosened, Phoenix Oasis is now opening its doors to meet new aspirants.
Here will be an opportunity to meet and discuss on the Order, the Oasis and Thelema in general with the officers of the local body.
Please R.S.V.P. by email at info@phoenixlodge-oto.org
We hope to see you there!
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Scarabaeus
Oasis Master
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∴ Valley of Montréal
Sol 25° Aries : Luna 15° Libra : dies Veneris : Anno Vviii
15 April 2022, e.v.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Phoenix Oasis OTO would like to invite you to a meet and greet on Saturday April 23rd at 5:00 pm.
As the pandemic restrictions have loosened, Phoenix Oasis is now opening its doors to meet new aspirants.
Here will be an opportunity to meet and discuss on the Order, the Oasis and Thelema in general with the officers of the local body.
Please wear a mask and sanitize your hands upon entry to the studio space for everyone’s safety. Thanks!
Please R.S.V.P. by email at info@phoenixlodge-oto.org
We hope to see you there!
Love is the law, love under will.
Frater Scarabaeus
Oasis Master
*** ***** ***
∴ Valley of Montreal
Fall Equinox 2016 e.v.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Phoenix Lodge a duly chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) International in the Valley of Montreal, is now accepting applications for Minervals (0°) in the M∴M∴M∴ If you seek fraternal guidance in the core subjects of our Order such as:
Yoga, Mysticism, Ceremonial Magic, Qabalah, Tarot, Dramatic Ritual, with a curriculum to follow our graded system of attainment please write to the address below.
The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.) is seeking women to join its ranks as Novitiate Priestesses and Deaconesses.
O.T.O. also encompasses Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), the Gnostic Catholic Church, which was originally brought into the Order by Theodor Reuss through Dr. Gérard Encausse (Papus) in 1908 e.v. The E.G.C. is an explicitly religious Thelemic environment, dedicated to the advancement of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty through the Law of Thelema.
The central activity of the E.G.C. is the celebration of the Gnostic Mass, Liber XV, which was composed by Aleister Crowley for O.T.O. in 1913 e.v.
Members of O.T.O. in good standing are eligible for clerical training and ordination in E.G.C. Many O.T.O. local bodies celebrate the Gnostic Mass on a regular basis.
Love is the law, love under will.
For more information please contact us